Hey! Want to ensure that Nose Club continues to stay on the web? Consider sending me a donation via my Ko-fi page! Clicking the image below will take you there.
I'm unable to work due to my disabilities and illnesses, so my income is very much in the lower-class tier. Art commissions are also a struggle for the aforementioned reasons. I'm fortunate that I can currently afford to run Nose Club out of my own pocket, but bills and emergencies do sneak up on me sometimes.
I very much agree with Butterfree's stance on advertisements, and I believe ads are extremely tacky and annoying. As a visual artist, ensuring my site looks good and runs smoothly is very important to me, and my website is also a very personal endeavour. I make things for this website because I enjoy having a website and making things, you know? I think content that's made solely to generate revenue feels very insincere and tiresome, and I don't want to run advertisements on this website unless it becomes absolutely necessary.
Although I don't judge folks who need to run advertisements to survive, I'm hoping that I continue to remain in a situation where I won't need them. Any support I receive is hugely appreciated, and helps keep me able to make cool things and nice art.
Thank you for reading!
Page last updated on 10th March 2022 at 19:40 UTC.