Scrunkly Pokémon (Adoptables)

In March 2022, I began to draw cute Pokémon in small canvases (96x96 pixels, to be precise). For lack of a better term, I called them scrunkly Pokémon. The world has never been the same since. Now, you can enjoy them here, too!

You may use these drawings for decorative purposes (i.e. web design, toyboxes, icons, forum signatures, etc) as long as you link back here. For more information, check out my Terms of Use!

Latest additions: Raichu, Lugia, Heracross, Wailord, shiny variants.

Planned additions (click to show) Beedrill, Volcarona, Togekiss, Cranidos, Espeon, Druddigon, Flaaffy, Porygon, Porygon2, Porygon-Z, Arcanine, Dodrio, Spinda.

[Abra] [Hypno] [Torchic] [Sableye] [Aggron] [Flygon] [Kecleon] [Leafeon] [Weavile] [Mega Audino] [Skiddo] [Alolan Marowak] [Lurantis] [Galarian Ponyta] [Raichu] [Lugia] [Heracross] [Wailord]

Shiny Scrunklies

[Shiny Abra] [Shiny Hypno] [Shiny Torchic] [Shiny Sableye] [Shiny Aggron] [Shiny Flygon] [Shiny Kecleon] [Shiny Leafeon] [Shiny Weavile] [Shiny Mega Audino] [Shiny Skiddo] [Shiny Alolan Marowak] [Shiny Lurantis] [Shiny Galarian Ponyta] [Shiny Raichu] [Shiny Lugia] [Shiny Heracross] [Shiny Wailord]

Special Edition Scrunklies

On rare occasions, special holographic scrunklies may be added. They, too, can be enjoyed on this page!

[Trans Pride Palkia]

Page last updated on 13th December 2024 at 16:58 UTC - (Added Raichu, Lugia, Heracross, Wailord, shiny variants.)
Page originally published on 7th March 2022 at 01:23 UTC