About & Contact

To get in touch with me, try one of the methods below:

  • Email: bluwiikoon@gmail.com
  • Discord: Bluwiikoon#2464
  • Twitter: @robosethie
  • Neocities profile: noseclub

You may also enjoy leaving a comment in our Guestbook!

Linking to Nose Club

For those of you whom also love and miss the golden days of indie websites, here's some neat buttons you can use to link here.

88x31 Nose Club button. 88x16 Nose Club button.
88x31 Nose Club button. 88x16 Nose Club button.
88x31 Nose Club button. 88x16 Nose Club button.
88x31 Nose Club button. 88x16 Nose Club button.

If you're interested in affiliation, feel free to message me!

About Nose Club

It's always been my dream to have my own little webspace, and now it's here! On 10th November 2017 I put Nose Club on the web, and I couldn't be happier.

My goal was to create a place with lots of creative Pokémon content and art-related guides, but my interest in the mechanics of the games led me to make pages on some more technical aspects of Pokémon, too. I have a lot of plans and goals for this place, and I hope I get to share them with everybody.

About Blu

I'm a guy who likes cute things and Pokémon, and I get quite enthusiatic about what I love! I enjoy creating colourful artwork, and my favourite Pokémon of all time is Nosepass. But you probably could have guessed that, right...?

I'm 29 years old, and I've been type-1 diabetic since I was 12. I also got diagnosed with ADHD in late 2019. The combination of these things make it a struggle for me to make things or respond to things sometimes, but I try really hard!

I am definitely human and not a robot alien from space. I have ten fingers and I like cats. Ha ha!

As a bonus, here's my results for various zodiacs and personality tests and such. :D

Aquarius Year of the Rooster January

The Cave of Dragonflies Zodiac
I am a Misdreavus!
Fairy Grass
I am a Bug catcher!

I am Totodile!

smoothe river rock
