Pok?mon Sword and Shield: The Unused Box Customisation

[Pictured: An average box within the Galar storage system, featuring the first 30 Pokémon in the Pokédex and a party full of unhatched eggs.]

When a new game is released, an immediate priority for many people is to pry open its coding and see just what kind of secrets are just below the surface, be it changed game mechanics, new Pok?mon, or unused content. Even then, it can still take some time for everything to get uncovered.

Something I want to call attention to in particular is the UI of the storage system within Galar. It's pretty simple and sleek with type-themed colours to choose from, but it also lacks some of the charm and vibrancy that previous games have had with their customisable wallpapers. Some even had legendaries adorning their boxes!

However, after some digging, I'm very pleased to share some remnants of previous box backgrounds I've found, along with additional data suggesting they were planning to upscale many of them. It's not super exciting content, but it's easy to see how it was overlooked considering th█?????? ██???????? █????? █ ????█ ?? ██████ ???██ ??????███ ??????????█ ?????? ████████████

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Again, it's not much, but I hope you find these findings as interesting as I do. It's fun to see what could have been, or what could be in a future DLC to the game!

<--NOTE TO SELF: Please find a way to make this page stop glitching when I save it oh god

<--If this isn't how you make the source code comments then at least I'll be editing this out later too-->

<--Also I need to Google how to translate binary-->

Page originally published on 6th May 2020 at 17:57 UTC.